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Sato R. Identity, obedience and individual efforts against infectious diseases. J Roy Soc Med. 2021.

(英国王立医学会誌 巻頭特集にて取り上げていただきました)

Sato R and Muto S. Incidental hot spot in the oesophagus on positron-emission tomography/computed tomography imaging. Eur Heart J. 2020.


Sato R, Shirai K, Maekawa M, et al. Glycaemia and autistic traits in very low birth weight infants in adulthood. Diab Metab. 2016.

Sato R, Maekawa M, Watanabe H, et al, on behalf of the HBC study group. Fetal environment and glycosylation status in neonatal cord blood: a comprehensive mass spectrometry-based glycosylation analysis. Medicine. 2016.

Sato R, Ikuma M, Watanabe H, et al. Exposure of drugs for hypertension, diabetes, and autoimmune disease during pregnancy and perinatal outcomes: an investigation of the regulator in Japan. Medicine. 2015.

Sato R, Maekawa M, Watanabe H, et al. Final height and cardiometabolic outcomes in young adults with very low birth weight (< 1500 g). Plos One. 2014.

Sato R, Maekawa M, Watanabe H, et al. A cross-sectional study of glucose regulation in young adults with very low birth weight: impact of male gender on hyperglycaemia. BMJ Open. 2012.

Sato R, Maekawa M, Watanabe H, et al. Future perspective on pharmacogenomics of severe hypoglycemia associated with sulfonylureas. Pharmacogenomics. 2011.

Sato R, Maekawa M, Watanabe H, et al. ABCC8 polymorphism (Ser1369Ala): influence on severe hypoglycemia due to sulfonylureas. Pharmacogenomics. 2010.



Ann Intern Med

Diabetic Medicine

Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research


Biomarkers in Medicine



聖隷福祉事業団 第19回事業報告会特別講演(浜松市)

日本動脈硬化学会 第46回総会シンポジウム(東京都)

日本臨床薬理学会 第1回東海北陸地方会特別講演(浜松市)

ハイリスク児フォローアップ研究会 第41回研究会シンポジウム(東京都)

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